Salt Lake 15th Ward
congregation #2032546
created 2019-01-21 by mpimport
official name: Fifteenth Ward
assertion #3050197 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): ward ( started: between 1853 and 1855 )
assertion #3050199 by bplewe on 2024-10-03: confidence 100%.
is a(n): semi-organized ward ( ended: between 1853 and 1855 )
Ward with a bishop, but independent congregation responsibilities added gradually
assertion #4025629 by bplewe on 2024-10-22: confidence 100%.
started: 22 Feb 1849
assertion #3050195 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
ended: 18 Feb 1968
assertion #3050196 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
religion: LDS
assertion #3050193 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
located at: Salt Lake City, Utah
assertion #3050194 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
location: 40°45'57"N, 111°54'27"W ( approximate size: 1000-10000 m , accurate within: 100-1000 m )
assertion #3300456 by bplewe on 2024-10-03: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 836 ( on: 1930 )
assertion #3050225 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 323 ( on: 6 Oct 1853 )
assertion #3050222 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 269 ( on: 31 Dec 1851 )
assertion #3050219 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
headquarters at: Salt Lake 15th Ward Meetinghouse
entity #475130, assertion #3761718 by bplewe on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has part: Salt Lake 24th Ward (1898) ( ended: 3 Apr 1898 )
entity #430059, assertion #3050923 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Salt Lake Stake
entity #500011, assertion #3050198 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
divided into: Salt Lake 24th Ward (1898)
entity #430059, assertion #3050925 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
absorbed: Salt Lake 24th Ward (1898)
entity #430059, assertion #3050926 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
in group: stake congregations
assertion #3050259 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: 4th W (500 W) ( started: 27 Dec 1903 )
entity #907570, assertion #3050206 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: Jordan River ( started: 3 Jan 1904 )
entity #900130, assertion #3050215 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: Jordan River ( ended: 3 Apr 1898 )
entity #900130, assertion #3050210 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: 6th West (700 W) ( started: 3 Apr 1898 , ended: 3 Jan 1904 )
entity #900146, assertion #3050212 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: 2nd W (300 W) ( ended: 27 Dec 1903 )
entity #907552, assertion #3050202 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: 3rd S
entity #907560, assertion #3050201 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: South Temple
entity #900126, assertion #3050200 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.80
assertion #3050227 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members ( catalog entry: , source part: 1907-1948 E 026,678 )
entity #800111, assertion #3050243 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: Encyclopedic History ( image: , source part: 750 )
entity #800001, assertion #3050228 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CDOL ( : 2032546 )
entity #800107, assertion #3050255 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: LUHF ( source part: 1607 )
entity #800109, assertion #3050250 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CHL Local Records ( catalog entry: , source part: LR 2848 )
entity #800110, assertion #3050252 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members ( catalog entry: , source part: 1898-1920 Mem 026,676 )
entity #800111, assertion #3050234 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members ( catalog entry: , source part: -1903 Mem 026,675 )
entity #800111, assertion #3050237 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members ( catalog entry: , source part: 1930-1941 Mem 026,677 )
entity #800111, assertion #3050240 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members ( catalog entry: , source part: 1877-1936 Mem 002,056 )
entity #800111, assertion #3050231 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: Gen Conf 1851-04
6 Apr 1851: Nathaniel V. Jones sustained as new bishop of 15th Ward
entity #700837, assertion #4025450 by bplewe on 2024-09-26: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1873-03-19
19 Mar 1873:
entity #700282, assertion #3050257 by bplewe on 2024-06-24: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1853-10
Oct 1853 list of county officers: 15th Ward, Bishop Andrew Cunningham [Bishop Jones called on a mission to India]
entity #700323, assertion #4009358 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books ( source part: 1892:21 )
entity #800108, assertion #3050246 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1868-04-25
25 Apr 1868 list of bishops: Fifteenth Ward, Robert T. Burton
entity #700394, assertion #4020415 by bplewe on 2024-07-01: confidence 100%.
appears in: Pres Bishop Minutes ( started: 1851 , image: )
24 June 1851: Nathaniel V. Jones ordained bishop of 15th Ward
entity #700803, assertion #4025496 by bplewe on 2024-09-26: confidence 100%.
appears in: Stats 1852-04
Apr 1852: Ward 15, Bishop Nathaniel V. Jones, 421 members
entity #700812, assertion #4024451 by bplewe on 2024-07-06: confidence 100%.
appears in: Gen Conf 1853-10
8 Oct 1853, Report of Bishops: 15th Ward, And. Cunningham, 323 members
entity #800205, assertion #4009304 by bplewe on 2021-04-25: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books ( source part: 1931:93 )
entity #800108, assertion #3050248 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: SLC 15th GM ( source part: V.19 p.1 )
24 Dec 1856: First minutes, ward is functioning without a bishop (since October?). They choose "Bro. [Benjamin] Mitchell as bishop pro tem" [was he ever ordained]
entity #700840, assertion #4025639 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
appears in: HOJ 1877-07-06
6 July 1877: Joseph Pollard ordained bishop of 15th Ward
entity #700839, assertion #4025615 by bplewe on 2024-09-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: Historian's Office Journal (HOJ) ( image: , source part: V.33 p.244 )
2/4 Sep 1875: Robert T. Burton ordained a high priest and counselor in presiding bishopric. Doesn't mention 15th ward, but he appears to have been its bishop hereafter
entity #700100, assertion #4025645 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
appears in: Salt Lake 1849-02
14 Feb 1849: 15th Ward designated; 22 Feb: Bishop Abraham O. Smoot ordained
entity #700828, assertion #4024961 by bplewe on 2024-07-11: confidence 100%.
appears in: BY Office Files ( image: , source part: letters to B.T. Michell and Andrew Cunningham 10 Jan 1859, Letterbooks V.4 p.25-6 )
10 Jan 1859: First presidency accepts resignation of Bishop B.T. Mitchell of 15th Ward, calls Andrew Cunningham as bishop [when ordained?]
entity #700341, assertion #4025642 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
described by: SLC 15th GM
entity #700840, assertion #4025638 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
Bishop: Abraham Owen Smoot
FamilySearch: KWJZ-7QC
, Started: 22 Feb 1849
, Ended: 6 Apr 1851
, Source Image
, Source: Bishops Quorum minutes, Church History Library CR 4 122 folder 1 p.80
, Source Record
assertion #5123 by on : confidence 0%.
Acting Bishop: Nathaniel Vary Jones
FamilySearch: KWJC-1PQ
, Started: 6 Apr 1851
, Ended: 24 Jun 1851
, Source Image
, Source: Minutes, Deseret News, V.1 p.31 (April 19, 1851) p.242
, Source Record
assertion #5124 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: Nathaniel Vary Jones
FamilySearch: KWJC-1PQ
, Started: 24 Jun 1851
, Ended: Nov 1856
, Source Image
, Source: Presiding bishopric meetings minutes, 1851-1862, p.6, Church History Library CR 4 2
, Source Record
assertion #5125 by on : confidence 0%.
Acting Bishop: Andrew Cunningham
FamilySearch: KWJZ-H8G
, Started: Oct 1852
, Ended: Oct 1855
Temporary while Jones is on a mission in India
assertion #5126 by on : confidence 0%.
Acting Bishop: Benjamin Thomas Mitchell
FamilySearch: LHVT-NF8
, Started: 24 Dec 1856
, Ended: 7 Jan 1859
, Source: Fifteenth Ward general minutes, V.19 p.1, Church History Library LR 2848 11
, Source Record
assertion #5127 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: Andrew Cunningham
FamilySearch: KWJZ-H8G
, Started: 10 Jan 1859
, Ended: 2 Mar 1868
, Source Image
, Source Record
, Source: First Presidency, letter to Andrew Cunningham 10 Jan 1859, Brigham Young Office Files, Letterbooks, V.5, p.26, Church History Library CR 1234 1 box 6
was he ever ordained? Died in office
assertion #5128 by on : confidence 0%.
Acting Bishop: Robert Taylor Burton
FamilySearch: KWNJ-99V
, Started: 1868
, Ended: May 1873
was he ever ordained? Called on a mission Apr 1873
assertion #5122 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: Robert Taylor Burton
FamilySearch: KWNJ-99V
, Started: 4 Sep 1875
, Ended: 6 Jul 1877
, Source Image
, Source Record
, Source: Historian’s Office Journal, V.33 p.244 (4 Sep 1875, but later note says “this should be under Sept 2”), Church History Library CR 100 1
was he ever ordained?
assertion #5129 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: Joseph H Pollard
FamilySearch: KWJ7-Q1L
, Started: 6 Jul 1877
, Ended: 1890
, Source Image
, Source: Historical Department office journal, V.36 (1877-1879) p.9, Church History Library CR 100 1
, Source Record
assertion #5130 by on : confidence 0%.