
Fürth Branch

congregation #331087
created 2019-01-21 by mpimport
official name: Fürth Branch
assertion #3519169 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch
assertion #3519178 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
started: between 1921 and Aug 1924?   (source: Der Stern)
assertion #3519164 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 50%.
ended: between 1931 and ?   (source: Encyclopedic History)
assertion #3519167 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 50%.
religion: LDS
assertion #3519162 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
location: 49°28'17"N, 10°59'12"E
assertion #3303335 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 80%.
located at: Bayern, Germany
assertion #3519163 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Munich Conference   (started: 21 Mar 1926, ended: 1 Jan 1929)
entity #603155, assertion #3519172 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Swiss-German Mission
entity #2019302, assertion #3519177 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Nürnberg Conference   (started: 1 Jan 1929)
entity #603163, assertion #3519175 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Stuttgart Conference   (ended: 21 Mar 1926)
entity #668400, assertion #3519170 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
created from: Nürnberg Branch
entity #331136, assertion #3519179 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
in group: mission branches
assertion #3519189 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.64
assertion #3519180 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1922-1923 Mem 068,791)
entity #800111, assertion #3519183 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CHL Local Records   (catalog entry: catalog.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, source part: LR 20379)
entity #800110, assertion #3519186 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: Encyclopedic History   (source part: (598))
entity #800001, assertion #3519181 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.