
Bristol Branch (FL 1896)

congregation #430335
created 2023-09-10 by bplewe
official name: Pleasant Hill Sunday School
assertion #4015319 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.
official name: Bristol Branch   (source: Florida Conf Minutes, source: Liahona)
assertion #3535353 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Liberty Branch?   (started: 26 Sep 1897)
assertion #3535351 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 30%.
official name: Liberty Sunday School?   (ended: 26 Sep 1897)
assertion #3535349 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 30%.
is a(n): branch   (started: 26 Sep 1897)
assertion #3535358 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): Sunday school   (ended: 26 Sep 1897)
assertion #3535356 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
started: 26 Oct 1896   (source: CDOL)
assertion #3535345 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
ended: 1903?   (source: CDOL)
assertion #3535346 by bplewe on 2023-09-14: confidence 30%.
ended: between 1922 and
assertion #4015827 by bplewe on 2023-09-14: confidence 80%.
incarnation of: Bristol Branch (FL)
entity #44164, assertion #3535340 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Florida Conference
entity #1090593, assertion #4015417 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.46
assertion #4020858 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (source part: V.2 p.217)
10-11 June 1899: Bristol Branch conference
entity #700639, assertion #4015484 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (source part: V.4 p.227)
24 Jul 1917: Pioneer Day celebration at Bristol
entity #700639, assertion #4015824 by bplewe on 2023-09-14: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (source part: V.3 p.108)
15-16 Sep 1900: Branch Conference held at Bristol Fla.
entity #700639, assertion #4015133 by bplewe on 2023-09-08: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (source part: V.4 p.99)
Aug 1909: District Conference at Bristol [Branch??]
entity #700639, assertion #4015577 by bplewe on 2023-09-11: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (image: catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, source part: V.1 p.291)
26 Sep 1897: missionaries organize the Bristol Branch (Liberty Co., Fla.), Presiding Priest Monroe Peddie
entity #700639, assertion #4015413 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf 1918
7 July 1918: Branch Conference at Bristol Fla.
entity #700663, assertion #4015847 by bplewe on 2023-09-14: confidence 100%.
appears in: Fla Conference Stats 1898-1899   (source part: V.2 p.294)
Year-end 1898: Bristol Branch, PE J.E. Peddie, 23 members; 1899: 22 members, Pleasant Hill SS, 27 pupils
entity #700656, assertion #4015496 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.
appears in: Fla Conference SS 1900-1901
Year-end 1900: Pleasant Hill Sunday School at Bristol, Liberty Co., Fla., Supt. Jasper E. Piddie, 35 pupils; Year-end 1901, 27 pupils
entity #700649, assertion #4015293 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (source part: V.4 p.247)
March 1921: Branch conference at Bristol
entity #700639, assertion #4015925 by bplewe on 2023-09-14: confidence 100%.
appears in: Florida Conf Minutes   (image: catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, source part: V.1 p.19)
26 Oct 1896: Organized Pleasant Hill Sunday school at Bristol, Liberty Co., Florida, Supt. Jasher E. Peddie, 39 members
entity #700639, assertion #4015351 by bplewe on 2023-09-10: confidence 100%.