PRO 1: contemporary sources rarely distinguish them. 2. Pres. Samuel Brown appears in both (at different times). CON 1. no other members in common. 2. geographic clues point in two very different directions.
entity #481223, assertion #4004481 by bplewe on 2018-02-11: confidence 0%.
organized 30 July 1848, Bishop Chauncey W. Porter, President Samuel Brown, Clerk German Ellsworth. Record ends in spring 1849 when Porter and Ellsworth emigrate.
entity #850683, assertion #3773853 by bplewe on 2018-02-11: confidence 80%.
entity #850165, assertion #3770960 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.
notes:In 1850, many members sold out to Christopher Mynster, after whom the "Big Spring" would be named to this day. Some have proposed that this is the same as the Big Spring on Mosquito Branch, but membership lists and locational references can be clearly separated.
assertion #3715495 by bplewe on 2017-07-28: confidence 100%.