Pleasant Valley Branch
congregation #481003
created 2012-10-02 by bplewe
official name: Pleasant Valley Branch
assertion #3723391 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
official name: Perkins Camp Branch
assertion #4005407 by bplewe on 2018-05-15: confidence 80%.
is a(n): dual-leader branch
assertion #3723839 by bplewe on 2019-10-04: confidence 100%.
started: 1847
assertion #3721753 by bplewe on 2019-10-04: confidence 100%.
ended: between Jun 1852 and Aug 1852
assertion #3735753 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
religion: LDS
assertion #4003522 by bplewe on 2017-07-29: confidence 100%.
location: 41°18'33"N, 95°46'2"W
assertion #3718846 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 50%.
located at: Iowa, United States
assertion #3713003 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
part of: Pottawattamie (Stake)
entity #480719, assertion #3751220 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
has member: Pleasant Valley
entity #481323, assertion #3751209 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
in group: Winter Quarters Era
Pres./Bishop James Dunn > Bishop Horn
assertion #3726640 by bplewe on 2019-10-04: confidence 80%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.69
assertion #4022039 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie High Priest Quorum Roll
4 charter members of HP quorum from Pleasant Valley, Jan 2 1848
entity #850434, assertion #4004820 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes 43
member of Pleasant Valley Branch disfellowshipped, July 6 1851
entity #850430, assertion #3772665 by bplewe on 2018-03-06: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes 3
James Dunn a HP, April 2 1848
entity #850422, assertion #3772644 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes 14
John Woodland ordained a HP, Feb 4 1849
entity #850416, assertion #3772662 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also:
A research essay analyzing the possible location of this branch.
assertion #4005231 by bplewe on 2018-05-15: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HC Minutes 3:36
Branch reports to HC Aug 30 1851, Bishop Horn
entity #850410, assertion #3772621 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HC Minutes 3:71
Pleasant Valley Branch reports to HC, March 27 1852
entity #850406, assertion #4004821 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Frontier Guardian ( source part: V.2 #13 (18 Jul 1850) p.2 col 6 )
William Cottrell of Pleasant Valley Branch has died, July 18 1850
entity #700097, assertion #4004823 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HC Minutes 1:105
Bishop James Dunn, July 15 1848
entity #850383, assertion #3772561 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Pleasant Valley Branch Tithing Records
Covers Oct 13 1851 to May 20 1852 under Bishop E.R. Walker
entity #850379, assertion #3772544 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Richards 10/10/1848
President James Dunn
entity #850165, assertion #3770973 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.
see also: W.R. Terry Journal ( source part: pp.38-44 )
June 1850-Apr 1851: Macedonia President WR Terry is a traveling elder over this branch.
entity #700143, assertion #4005225 by bplewe on 2018-03-26: confidence 100%.
see also: Emigration Company Schedules ( source part: box 2 folder 17 images 6-11 )
two companies from "Perkins Camp Branch" Feb 1848, Capts. John Shipley, John B. Walker
entity #700101, assertion #4004825 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Frontier Guardian 3:22:2:3
Pleasant Valley one of branches to be visited by traveling elders, between Pleasant Grove and Mill Branches, Nov 1851
entity #700098, assertion #4004822 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
notes: Many members were from the Ramus Branch-Stake in Illinois, as was nearby Macedonia Branch. In 1851, it shared a bishop with Pleasant Grove, Brownell's Grove, and Mill Branch, so it was likely near all of these, in the Mosquito Creek area.
assertion #3716003 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
bishop: James Dunn
FamilySearch: LKVY-DZH
, Ended: between Nov 1848 and Jul 1851
assertion #4539 by on : confidence 0%.
president: James Dunn
FamilySearch: LKVY-DZH
assertion #4540 by on : confidence 0%.