
Webster Branch

congregation #482375
created 2015-08-18 by daniel m. kelty
official name: Webster Branch?
assertion #3732402 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-04-30: confidence 0%.
is a(n): branch?
assertion #3732405 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-08-18: confidence 0%.
started: 28 May 1873
assertion #3732401 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-04-30: confidence 80%.
ended: 11 Jun 1892
assertion #3746401 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-05-01: confidence 80%.
description: The branch was organized May 28, 1873 by Bronson and Lange; Francis M. Cooper president, Martin Hayer clerk. By 1880 it was considered inactive and on June 11, 1892 disorganized; members were transferred to the Evergreen branch at Valley Junction. Members: McDowell, Amos W. Bronson, Carl W. Lange. pres. F. M. Cooper, Martin T. G. Hayer clerk, Henry Hancock, deacon, David Hancock, Lovina Hancock, Albert Hancock, George W. jr, Ida M. Hancock-Wood, Cora M. Hancock-Shaw, Minnie C. Hancock-Root, Francis M. Hancock, Abaigail A. Hancock, F. M. Cooper, Jonas W. and Eunice and Elizabeth Hancock, John Bierline, Robert Oehring, A. W. Brunson(Bronson), John Lee, Thomas Ward, M. V. Theyer and Robert Oehring John Bierline. Frank Hackett, M. N. Trobaugh, E. W. Bell?
assertion #3732403 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-05-01: confidence 0%.
religion: RLDS
assertion #3732404 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-08-18: confidence 100%.
location: 43°35'24"N, 90°43'11"W
assertion #3720393 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-05-01: confidence 0%.
located at: Vernon County, Wisconsin, United States
assertion #3714375 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-08-18: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 12   (on: 1 Apr 1886, source: SH 33:18, 282-283)
assertion #4002585 by mpra on 2017-05-27: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 9   (on: Jun 1875, source: Saints Herald)
10 recently expelled
assertion #4002056 by mpra on 2017-04-30: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 31   (on: 15 Jun 1878, source: SH 25:18, 286)
assertion #4002137 by mpra on 2017-05-02: confidence 100%.
succeeded by: Evergreen Branch?
entity #482392, assertion #4002102 by mpra on 2017-05-01: confidence 50%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.53
assertion #4023097 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Saints Herald   (source part: V.20 #24 (December 15 1873) p.774)
Western Wisconsin District conference
entity #700004, assertion #4002007 by mpra on 2017-04-30: confidence 100%.
see also: SH 25:18, 286
District conference
entity #700028, assertion #4002135 by mpra on 2017-05-02: confidence 100%.
see also: Saints Herald   (source part: V.22 #17 (September 1 1875) p.540)
entity #700004, assertion #4002054 by mpra on 2017-04-30: confidence 100%.
see also: Saints Herald   (source part: V.25 #7 (April 1 1878) p.111)
District conference
entity #700004, assertion #4002131 by mpra on 2017-05-02: confidence 100%.
see also: Saints Herald   (source part: V.21 #4 (February 15 1874) p.124)
Western Wisconsin District conference
entity #700004, assertion #4002019 by mpra on 2017-04-30: confidence 100%.
see also: Brookover 1957   (source part: p.478)
entity #700017, assertion #4002108 by mpra on 2017-05-01: confidence 100%.
see also: Wilcox 1984   (source part: p.238)
entity #700007, assertion #4002100 by mpra on 2017-05-01: confidence 100%.
see also: Saints Herald   (source part: V.24 #19 (October 1 1877) p.302 )
Western Wisconsin District conference report; "Webster Branch not reported"
entity #700004, assertion #4002116 by mpra on 2017-05-02: confidence 100%.