
Buel Center Branch [RLDS]

congregation #482685
created 2015-09-22 by daniel m. kelty
official name: Buel Center Branch?
assertion #3734311 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-07-03: confidence 0%.
is a(n): branch?
assertion #3734314 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-09-22: confidence 0%.
started: 15 Mar 1891
cited in WEAR BROADCLOTH by Dan Kelty
assertion #3734310 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-07-03: confidence 100%.
ended: 1905
assertion #3748310 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-07-03: confidence 100%.
description: September 4 and 5 a grove meeting was held at Buel Center, Bro. John L. Bear did some preaching in Buel, and other places, in some of which places he spoke in the German language. A branch was organized at Buel, March 15, 1891 by Edmund C. Briggs, assisted by Robert E. Grant, who also baptized ten at Cash, a few miles from Buel. It is named Buel Branch. Bro. Robert E. Grant, in the early part of the year did some good preaching at Buel, in Sanilac County, baptizing some. October 2, 1891, a Sunday school association was organized at Buel Center, Sanilac County, at which time the following officers were appointed: Fred H. Brooks, superint; Robert E. Grant, assistant superintendent; Lillian Hartnell, secretary, and John A. Grant treasurer. Elders Robert E. Grant and John A. Grant have been doing more work in and around Buel. Since the work began, in the fall of last year, the brethren have baptized about thirty persons, Robert E. baptizing the most of that number. At the conference at Buel, October 3, 1891, Robert E. Grant and John A. Grant were ordained to the eldership, and Fred H. Brooks to the office of priest.?
assertion #3734312 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-09-22: confidence 0%.
religion: RLDS
assertion #3734313 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-09-22: confidence 100%.
location: 43°17'29"N, 82°40'14"W
assertion #3720704 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-09-22: confidence 0%.
located at: Sanilac County, Michigan, United States
assertion #3714685 by daniel m. kelty on 2015-09-22: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.40
assertion #4023174 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Cornish
entity #700054, assertion #3711685 by daniel m. kelty on 2017-07-03: confidence 100%.