
Bethlehem Branch recs

artifact #700099
created 2018-02-05 by bplewe
citation: Bethlehem Branch Record Book, Church History Library LR 2074 21
assertion #4004440 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.
description: Record of the branch's second incarnation, 1859-1860
assertion #4004442 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.
image: dcms.lds.org
assertion #4004441 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.
describes: Bethlehem Branch
Record of second incarnation, 1859-1860, Pres. W.B. Corbitt
entity #480500, assertion #4004443 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.