
Hyde Park Ward (Utah)

congregation #7307
created 2019-01-21 by mpimport
official name: Hyde Park Branch   (ended: 7 Oct 1872?, ended: between 1861 and 1869?)
assertion #3023491 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Hyde Park Ward   (started: between 1861 and 1869?, started: 7 Oct 1872?)
assertion #3023498 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch   (ended: 7 Oct 1872?, ended: between 1861 and 1869?)
assertion #3023506 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): ward   (started: 7 Oct 1872?, started: between 1861 and 1869?)
assertion #3023515 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
started: 1 Jul 1860   (source: Hyde Park officers, source: Hyde Park MH)
assertion #3023485 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
ended: open   (source: CDOL)
assertion #3023486 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
religion: LDS
assertion #3023483 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
location: 41°47'58"N, 111°49'3"W   (approximate size: 1000-10000 m, accurate within: 1000-10000 m)
assertion #3300475 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
located at: Hyde Park, Utah
assertion #3023484 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 736   (on: 31 Dec 1930)
assertion #3023522 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has part: North Logan Ward   (ended: 4 Jan 1914)
entity #6688, assertion #3038340 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has part: Benson Ward (Utah)   (ended: 14 Jun 1877)
entity #6416, assertion #4020103 by bplewe on 2024-06-29: confidence 100%.
part of: Cache/Logan Stake
entity #500135, assertion #3023505 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
divided into: Benson Ward (Utah)
entity #6416, assertion #3003840 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
in group: stake congregations
assertion #3023547 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: mountains
entity #903490, assertion #3023521 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.78
assertion #3023524 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1907-1948 E 025,990)
entity #800111, assertion #3023531 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CDOL   (: 7307)
Hyde Park Branch created 1 July 1860; ward 7 Oct 1882 [prob. typo for 1872]
entity #800107, assertion #3023543 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1860-1941 Mem 025,989)
entity #800111, assertion #3023528 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: LUHF   (source part: 2146)
entity #800109, assertion #3023538 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CHL Local Records   (catalog entry: catalog.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, source part: LR 3991)
entity #800110, assertion #3023540 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: History of Hyde Park
16 July 1860: E.T. Benson and Peter Maughan visit Hyde Park, naming it and appointing William Hyde as acting bishop or presiding Elder [were they just confirming what happened on July 1?]
entity #800763, assertion #4020322 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: Hyde Park officers
1 July 1860: Hyde Park settlers organize a branch, "Bishop" William Hyde
entity #800761, assertion #4020321 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1892:9)
entity #800108, assertion #3023534 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1931:50)
entity #800108, assertion #3023536 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: Encyclopedic History   (image: archive.org, source part: 349)
Hyde Park settled 1860; branch 1 Jul 1860; ward 7 Oct 1872
entity #800001, assertion #3023525 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: Cache 1869-06-10
10 June 1869: Bishop Wm. Hyde of Hyde Park
entity #700800, assertion #4020333 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: Cache 1872-10-07
7 Oct 1872: William Hyde Sr. ordained bishop of Hyde Park
entity #700798, assertion #4020220 by bplewe on 2024-06-29: confidence 100%.
appears in: Brigham Young Jr Diaries   (image: catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, source part: V.15 p.75)
29 Mar 1874: BY Jr. ordains [Robert] Danes Bishop of Hyde Park Ward to replace William Hyde, who died March 2nd
entity #700794, assertion #4020344 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1868-04-25
25 Apr 1868 list of bishops: Hyde Park, William Hyde
entity #700394, assertion #4020369 by bplewe on 2024-07-01: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1873-03-19
19 Mar 1873: Hyde Park, Wm. Hyde
entity #700282, assertion #3023545 by bplewe on 2024-06-29: confidence 100%.
appears in: BY Office Files   (image: catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, source part: Ezra T. Benson, letter to Brigham Young May 22 1860, Incoming Correspondence, Ezra T. Benson)
May 1860: Ezra T. Benson appoints William Hyde to preside over a new settlement 4 miles north of Logan (Hyde Park). [president or bishop?]
entity #700341, assertion #4020291 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
appears in: History of Hyde Park
16 Apr 1860: Hyde Park area first settled, suggested by Presiding Bishop Peter Maughan
entity #800763, assertion #4020320 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
described by: Hyde Park officers
entity #800761, assertion #3251740 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
described by: History of Hyde Park
entity #800763, assertion #3251748 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
described by: Hyde Park MH
entity #800760, assertion #3251736 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
described by: Hyde Park Relief Society
22 May 1868: Relief Society organized at Hyde Park
entity #800762, assertion #3251744 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.
notes: William Hyde is not officially ordained a bishop until 1872, but he is frequently called "Bishop" prior to that, so is it a ward with an acting bishop some time before 1872?
assertion #4020347 by bplewe on 2024-06-30: confidence 100%.


Presiding Elder: William Hyde
FamilySearch: KWJ4-XBH , Started: 1860 , Ended: 1872
assertion #2368 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: William Hyde
FamilySearch: KWJ4-XBH , Started: 1872 , Ended: 1874
assertion #2369 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: Robert Daines
FamilySearch: KWNJ-QS3 , Started: 1874 , Ended: 1892
assertion #2370 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: Charles Gloyd Hyde
FamilySearch: KWC6-FR5 , Started: 1892 , Ended: 1922
assertion #2371 by on : confidence 0%.