
Castle Gate Ward

congregation #11452
created 2019-01-21 by mpimport
official name: Castle Gate Ward   (started: 1911, ended: 15 Sep 1974)
assertion #3007935 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Castle Gate Ward   (started: 8 May 1893, ended: 1903?)
assertion #3007929 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Castle Gate Branch   (ended: 8 May 1893)
assertion #3007926 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Castle Gate Branch   (started: 1903?, ended: 1911)
assertion #3007932 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch?   (started: 1903?, ended: 1911)
assertion #3007948 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 50%.
is a(n): dependent branch   (ended: 8 May 1893)
assertion #3007942 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): ward   (started: 1911)
assertion #3007951 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): ward   (started: 8 May 1893, ended: 1903?)
assertion #3007945 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
started: 24 Nov 1889?   (source: CDOL)
assertion #3007922 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 33.333333333333%.
started: Nov 1888?
assertion #3007921 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 33.333333333333%.
ended: 15 Sep 1974?   (source: CDOL)
assertion #3007923 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 33.333333333333%.
religion: LDS
assertion #3007919 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
location: 39°43'39"N, 110°51'52"W   (approximate size: 1000-10000 m, accurate within: 1000-10000 m)
assertion #3300948 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 60%.
located at: Castle Gate, Utah
assertion #3007920 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 575   (on: 31 Dec 1930)
assertion #3007956 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Spring Glen Ward   (ended: 8 May 1893)
entity #13366, assertion #3007953 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Emery/Castle Dale Stake   (ended: 8 May 1910)
entity #500208, assertion #3007938 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has part: Clear Creek Ward (Utah)   (started: 1924)
entity #2001969, assertion #3010017 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Carbon/Price Stake   (started: 8 May 1910)
entity #500615, assertion #3007940 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
created from: Spring Glen Ward
entity #13366, assertion #3007955 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
in group: stake congregations
assertion #3007982 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.72
assertion #3007959 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1907-1948 E 025,841)
entity #800111, assertion #3007966 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: LUHF   (source part: 810)
entity #800109, assertion #3007973 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1890-1941 Mem 025,840)
entity #800111, assertion #3007963 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CHL Local Records   (catalog entry: catalog.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, source part: LR 1468)
entity #800110, assertion #3007975 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CDOL   (: 11452)
entity #800107, assertion #3007978 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: Encyclopedic History   (image: archive.org, source part: 121)
entity #800001, assertion #3007960 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1892:13)
entity #800108, assertion #3007969 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1931:51)
entity #800108, assertion #3007971 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: Deseret News   (image: newspapers.lib.utah.edu, source part: Deseret Evening News, V.23 #53 (25 Jan 1890) p.6)
25 Jan 1890: Castle Gate, William Lamph, P.E.
entity #800117, assertion #3007980 by bplewe on 2021-02-12: confidence 100%.
notes: CDOL doesn't mention second stint as a branch
assertion #3007958 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.