
Midway Ward (1st)

congregation #12610
created 2021-02-09 by bplewe
official name: Midway Branch   (started: 1866, ended: 15 Jul 1877)
assertion #3034207 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Midway 1st Ward   (started: 8 Feb 1903)
assertion #3034213 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Mound City Branch   (ended: 1866)
assertion #3034205 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
official name: Midway Ward   (started: 15 Jul 1877, ended: 8 Feb 1903)
assertion #3034210 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch   (started: 1866, ended: 15 Jul 1877)
assertion #3034221 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): dependent branch   (ended: 1866)
assertion #3034219 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
is a(n): ward   (started: 15 Jul 1877)
assertion #3034224 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
started: 1861
assertion #3034203 by bplewe on 2021-02-09: confidence 100%.
ended: open
assertion #3034204 by bplewe on 2021-02-09: confidence 100%.
religion: LDS
assertion #3034201 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
location: 40°32'6"N, 111°29'11"W   (ended: 1866, approximate size: 1000-10000 m, accurate within: 1000-10000 m)
assertion #3300525 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 60%.
location: 40°30'47"N, 111°27'59"W   (started: 1903-02-08, approximate size: 1000-10000 m, accurate within: 1000-10000 m)
assertion #3302175 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 60%.
location: 40°30'46"N, 111°28'23"W   (started: 1966, ended: 1903-02-08, approximate size: 10000-100000 m, accurate within: 1000-10000 m)
assertion #3304030 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 60%.
located at: Midway, Utah
assertion #3034202 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 450   (on: 31 Dec 1930)
assertion #3034231 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Heber Ward (East/1st)   (ended: 1866)
entity #9539, assertion #3034226 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Provo/Utah Stake   (ended: 15 Jul 1877)
entity #500046, assertion #3034215 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
part of: Wasatch/Heber City Stake   (started: 15 Jul 1877)
entity #500186, assertion #3034217 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
divided into: Midway 2nd Ward
entity #12629, assertion #3034283 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
absorbed: Lower Snake Creek Branch
entity #305000, assertion #3030437 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
in group: stake congregations
assertion #3034259 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: Center Street   (started: 8 Feb 1903)
entity #905010, assertion #3034229 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
has boundary: Provo River
entity #903291, assertion #3034228 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.74
assertion #3034233 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: -1903 Mem 026,184)
entity #800111, assertion #3034243 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CHL Local Records   (catalog entry: catalog.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, source part: LR 5556)
entity #800110, assertion #3034252 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: LUHF   (source part: 3066)
entity #800109, assertion #3034250 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: CDOL   (: 12610)
entity #800107, assertion #3034255 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: Encyclopedic History   (image: archive.org, source part: 501, 500)
entity #800001, assertion #3034234 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1907-1948 E 026,185)
entity #800111, assertion #3034240 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
see also: FHL Record of Members   (catalog entry: www.familysearch.org, source part: 1903-1941 Mem 026,185)
entity #800111, assertion #3034237 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: Bishops Reports 1850s   (image: catalog.churchofjesuschrist.org, source part: 1860 October)
6 Oct 1860: Snake Creek, under Heber City Bishop, 8 members
entity #700811, assertion #4024682 by bplewe on 2024-07-07: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1878-01-15
15 Jan 1878: list of wards and stakes; David Van Wagoner, Midway
entity #700350, assertion #4008267 by bplewe on 2021-02-09: confidence 100%.
appears in: Directory 1873-03-19
19 Mar 1873: Midway, Henry S. Alexander, under Wasatch presiding bishop
entity #700282, assertion #3034257 by bplewe on 2024-07-06: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1931:106)
entity #800108, assertion #3034248 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1892:37)
entity #800108, assertion #3034246 by mpimport on 2019-01-21: confidence 100%.


Presiding Elder: Sidney Hiram Epperson
FamilySearch: L5F4-B45 , Started: 1861 , Ended: 1866
assertion #3484 by on : confidence 0%.
Bishop: John Watkins
FamilySearch: KWNJ-Q9K , Started: 1892 , Ended: 1902
assertion #3489 by on : confidence 0%.