
Linden/Aripine Branch

congregation #2058685
created 2024-06-02 by bplewe
official name: Aripine Branch?   (started: between 1918 and 1930)
assertion #3029032 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 50%.
official name: Linden Sunday School   (ended: 1918)
assertion #3029027 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
official name: Linden Branch   (started: 1918, ended: between 1918 and 1930)
assertion #3029029 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
is a(n): dependent branch   (started: 1918)
assertion #3029037 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
is a(n): Sunday school   (ended: 1918)
assertion #3029035 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
started: between 1909 and 1915   
assertion #3029026 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
religion: LDS   
assertion #3029024 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
located at: Linden, Navajo, Arizona   
assertion #3029025 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
location: 34°17'5"N, 110°7'21"W   (approximate size: 10000-100000 m, accurate within: 1000-10000 m)
assertion #3303199 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 60%.
part of: Snowflake Ward   
entity #36331, assertion #3029039 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
part of: Snowflake Stake   
entity #500291, assertion #3029034 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
see also: Juniper Branch (Arizona)?   
entity #301008, assertion #3029040 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 50%.
in group: stakes   
assertion #3029053 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.62   
assertion #3029042 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
see also: Encyclopedic History   (image: archive.org, source part: 435)
entity #800001, assertion #3029043 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
see also: CHL Local Records   (catalog entry: catalog.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, source part: LR 4923)
entity #800110, assertion #3029050 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
see also: LUHF   (source part: (2699))
entity #800109, assertion #3029048 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
appears in: CDOL books   (source part: 1924:67)
entity #800108, assertion #3029046 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.
notes: EH says it was a continuation of Juniper Branch, but there seems to be a gap. Why is this dependent on Snowflake rather than Show Low?   
assertion #3029041 by bplewe on 2024-06-02: confidence 100%.