Mill Branch
congregation #480180
created 2012-10-02 by bplewe
official name: Mill Branch
assertion #3723407 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
is a(n): dual-leader branch
several presidents and bishops in turn
assertion #3723831 by bplewe on 2019-10-04: confidence 100%.
started: 18 Apr 1847
assertion #3721705 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
ended: between 30 Mar 1852 and 1853
assertion #3735705 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
religion: LDS
assertion #4003455 by mpra on 2017-07-28: confidence 100%.
location: 41°17'15"N, 95°47'58"W
assertion #3718103 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 70%.
located at: Iowa, United States
assertion #3712180 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
part of: Pottawattamie (Stake)
entity #480719, assertion #3751072 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
has member: Indian Mill
entity #481250, assertion #3751071 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
in group: Winter Quarters Era
assertion #3725434 by bplewe on 2012-10-28: confidence 80%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.73
assertion #4021339 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Frontier Guardian 3:22:2:3
on list of branches to be visited by Elder Benson, Nov 28 1851, between Pleasant Valley and Davis Camp
entity #700098, assertion #4004733 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes 6
Abraham C. Hodge ordained a HP, Sep 3 1848
entity #850432, assertion #3772679 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie High Priest Quorum Roll
7 charter members of HP Quorum, Jan 2 1848
entity #850434, assertion #4004732 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes 24
Hiram Cannon a HP, August 5 1849
entity #850419, assertion #3772632 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes (source part: p.25)
Charles Allen a HP, Oct 7 1849
entity #850415, assertion #4004741 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HP Quorum Minutes 5
John Lamoreaux a HP, August 6 1848
entity #850431, assertion #3772668 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HC Minutes 1:89
mention of Mill Branch, April 9 1848
entity #850414, assertion #3772625 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HC Minutes 1:204
Mill Branch mentioned Jan 15 1850
entity #850395, assertion #3772592 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pottawattamie HC Minutes 1:105
Bishop Abram Coons, July 15 1848
entity #850383, assertion #3772550 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Pleasant Valley Branch Tithing Records (source part: folder 3 sheet 3)
Pleasant Valley Bishop is given jurisdiction over Mill Branch and others, Oct 13 1851
entity #850379, assertion #4004739 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Mill Branch Records
covers April 1847 to Jan 1852
entity #850306, assertion #3771371 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Richards 10/10/1848
President S.G. Clark
entity #850165, assertion #3770957 by bplewe on 2018-02-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Frontier Guardian 2:14:2:6
2 deaths at Indian Mill Branch, Aug 7 1850
entity #850070, assertion #3770230 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Frontier Guardian 2:3:2:6
Marriage at Indian Mill Branch, 7 Feb 1850
entity #850052, assertion #3770211 by bplewe on 2018-03-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Emigration Company Schedules (source part: box 2, folders 17, 24)
Two emigration company from Mill Branch, Feb 1848
entity #700101, assertion #4004734 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
see also: Historian's Office Journal (HOJ) (image:, source part: box 1 V.10 p.13)
Church leaders visit Mill Branch, Dec 5 1847
entity #700100, assertion #4004736 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
notes: Centered around a pre-Mormon mill known as Wicks' or Indian Mill.
assertion #3715180 by bplewe on 2018-03-03: confidence 100%.
president: Emer Harris
FamilySearch: KWJB-J7Q
, Started: 18 Apr 1847
, Ended: 10 Jun 1848
assertion #3504 by on : confidence 0%.
bishop: Abraham Coon
FamilySearch: KWJ6-9N2
, Started: 9 Apr 1848
, Ended: 3 Jun 1850
assertion #3505 by on : confidence 0%.
president: Samuel Gilman Clark
FamilySearch: KWVL-B43
, Started: 10 Jun 1848
, Ended: 3 Jun 1849
assertion #3506 by on : confidence 0%.
president: William A. Garner
FamilySearch: KWVG-6MS
, Started: 3 Jun 1850
, Ended: 6 Mar 1851
assertion #3507 by on : confidence 0%.
president: Emer Harris
FamilySearch: KWJB-J7Q
, Started: 6 Mar 1851
assertion #3508 by on : confidence 0%.
presidency counselor: Bechias Dustin
FamilySearch: KWVM-YC2
assertion #3512 by on : confidence 0%.
presidency counselor: Royal Barney
FamilySearch: KWJC-52F
assertion #3509 by on : confidence 0%.
presidency counselor: George Parker Dykes
FamilySearch: KWV7-7RK
assertion #3510 by on : confidence 0%.
presidency counselor: William Huntington
FamilySearch: KWV9-4W1
assertion #3511 by on : confidence 0%.