
Pleasant Vale Branch/Stake

congregation #480222
created 2012-10-02 by bplewe
official name: Pleasant Vale Stake   (started: Oct 1839, ended: 8 May 1842?)
assertion #4002903 by mpra on 2017-07-06: confidence 100%.
official name: Pleasant Vale Branch   (ended: Oct 1839?)
assertion #3723545 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
official name: Pleasant Vale Branch   (started: 8 May 1842?)
assertion #4002926 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch   (started: 8 May 1842?)
assertion #4002922 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
is a(n): congregational stake   (started: Oct 1839?, ended: 8 May 1842?, source: Wm Draper Autobio)
single congregation with a presidency and bishopric but no high council
assertion #4002904 by bplewe on 2019-09-30: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch   (ended: Oct 1839?, source: Wm Draper Autobio)
assertion #3724132 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
started: about Jun 1839   (source: Wm Draper Autobio)
assertion #3722149 by bplewe on 2017-07-06: confidence 100%.
ended: 1843
assertion #3736149 by bplewe on 2017-07-06: confidence 100%.
religion: Early
assertion #4000655 by bplewe on 2017-04-08: confidence 100%.
location: 39°38'59"N, 91°9'35"W   (source: Pike Co 1880)
Northwest part of Pleasant Vale Township
assertion #3718870 by bplewe on 2017-07-07: confidence 50%.
located at: New Canton, Pike, Illinois, United States
assertion #3712222 by bplewe on 2017-07-04: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 166   (on: 25 Sep 1841, source: JHC 9/25/1841)
assertion #4002997 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
belongs to: Nauvoo Stake   (started: between Jun 1841 and Jan 1842)
entity #481425, assertion #4002977 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
in group: Nauvoo Era
assertion #3725490 by bplewe on 2012-10-28: confidence 80%.
quote: "...enjoyed my new home very well until some time in the month of June [1839] I was visited by one of the original high counsel. After he found there were several of the saints in that part of the country he called them together and organized us into a branch of the church, and I was set apart and chosen to take charge of the same . . . [in October 1839 Joseph Smith] told me to return an continue preaching and when the branch reached the number of 100 he would then come and organize the branch a stake of Zion. I went home to my field of labor. Doors were open on every hand, I preached and baptized and in about two weeks the branch number 112. I let Joseph know according to his instructions and he being overtaxed with business sent his brother Hyrum who was his first councellor and bishop Geo. Miller. They came and organized the branch into a stake of Zion for a resting place for the saints that were gathering from the east and from the south. In the organization I was ordained and set apart to preside, and Wm. Allred Bishop...some time in the summer or fall of 1842 . . . a message came from the Prophet to discontinue our organization and immigrate to Hancock Co., and most all the branch submitted to the call, and in the Spring of 1843 I moved with my family and located in a place called Green Plain, with the notorious Levi Williams for one of my neighbors." William Draper   (source: Wm Draper Autobio)
assertion #4002900 by mpra on 2017-07-06: confidence 100%.
quote: "The Mormons also figured largely in a Church organization here [Pleasant Vale Township] some years later. They at one time had a society of about 100 communicants, and erected a house of worship in the northwest part of the township. Then the Nauvoo trouble came, however, they left his neighborhood to join their brethren at that place. The old Mormon church was afterward moved to the Mississippi river, and there used for a warehouse.”   (source: Pike Co 1880)
assertion #4002933 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.73
assertion #4021379 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: MHC 5/8/1842
Nauvoo HC orders Pleasant Vale Stake to disorganize May 8 1842
entity #700065, assertion #4002991 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
see also: BY Sep 1842
Mentions Pleasant Vale September 1842, but doesn't say branch or stake
entity #850130, assertion #3770553 by bplewe on 2017-07-06: confidence 80%.
see also: JHC 9/25/1841
Pleasant Vale called a branch 9/25/1841, but has a presidency and a bishopric
entity #850224, assertion #3771124 by bplewe on 2017-07-06: confidence 80%.
see also: Nauvoo HC Minutes   (source part: May 8th, 1842, p.52-53)
Hearing of an appeal from a member of Pleasant Vale to the Nauvoo High Council, May 8th 1842
entity #700066, assertion #4003066 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
see also: NHC Papers
First appeal to Nauvoo High Council Feb 1 1842
entity #700064, assertion #4002993 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.
see also: First Pres. 24 May 1841
outlying stakes de-authorized 24 May 1841
entity #850119, assertion #4006419 by bplewe on 2019-10-03: confidence 100%.
see also: HC 4:311
Mentions stake in March 1841
entity #850115, assertion #3770497 by bplewe on 2017-07-06: confidence 80%.
appears in: Wm Draper Autobio
Oct 1839: Pleasant Vale organized as a [congregational] stake, Pres. William Draper, Bishop Wm Allred
entity #700061, assertion #4025655 by bplewe on 2024-10-04: confidence 100%.
notes: When Pleasant Vale reverted from a Stake (branch-stake) to a Branch is unclear. May 24 1841, Joseph Smith issued a notice that all stakes were to be dissolved. On September 25 1841 there was a conference of the Pleasant Vale *branch*. On February 1 1842, there is an appeal from a member of the Pleasant Vale *Stake* to the Nauvoo High Council. On May 8 1842, the Nauvoo High Council hears this appeal and resolves that the Pleasant Vale Stake should be dissolved and attached to Nauvoo Stake, but in the same proceeding also refers to it as a branch.
assertion #4002981 by mpra on 2017-07-07: confidence 100%.


Stake President: William Draper Junior
FamilySearch: LTZ3-GR2 , Started: Oct 1839 , Ended: 8 May 1842 , Source Image , Source: William Draper Jr. Autobiography; CHL MS 819, p.22 , Source Record
assertion #4547 by on : confidence 0%.
Stake Bishop: William Moore Allred
FamilySearch: L5FN-3SP , Started: Oct 1839 , Ended: between 1840 and 25 Sep 1841 , Source Image , Source: William Draper Jr. Autobiography; CHL MS 819, p.22 , Source Record
assertion #4548 by on : confidence 0%.
President: William Draper Junior
FamilySearch: LTZ3-GR2 , Started: 8 Apr 1842 , Ended: Apr 1843
assertion #4549 by on : confidence 0%.