
Jackson Branch

congregation #480304
created 2012-10-02 by bplewe
official name: Jackson Branch   
assertion #3722176 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
is a(n): branch   
assertion #3722043 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
started: between 1843 and 8 Mar 1844   
assertion #3721338 by bplewe on 2017-04-03: confidence 100%.
ended: between 1849 and 1856   
assertion #3735338 by bplewe on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
religion: Early   (ended: between 1845 and 1847)
assertion #4000729 by bplewe on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
religion: Strang   (started: between 1845 and 1847)
assertion #4002612 by mpra on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
location: 42°14'34"N, 84°24'0"W   
assertion #3718919 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 70%.
located at: Jackson, Michigan, United States   
assertion #3712304 by bplewe on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 25?   (on: 1 Feb 1845, source: T&S 6:5, 843)
23 members, 2 priesthood
assertion #4000163 by bplewe on 2017-04-02: confidence 50%.
membership/population: 27?   (on: 8 Jun 1844, source: T&S 5:13, 580)
21 members, 6 priesthood
assertion #4000160 by bplewe on 2017-04-02: confidence 50%.
membership/population: 34?   (on: 5 Jul 1845, source: T&S 6:14, 978)
members, priesthood
assertion #4000165 by bplewe on 2017-04-02: confidence 50%.
membership/population: 16   (on: 19 Feb 1848, source: Gospel Herald)
assertion #4002616 by mpra on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
in group: Nauvoo Era   
assertion #3725613 by bplewe on 2012-10-28: confidence 80%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.68   
assertion #4021455 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: T&S 6:14, 978   
entity #850656, assertion #3773749 by bplewe on 2013-10-29: confidence 80%.
see also: T&S 5:13, 580   
entity #850616, assertion #3773580 by bplewe on 2013-10-29: confidence 80%.
see also: Gospel Herald   (source part: V.3 #3 (Oct 19 1848) p.157)
entity #700001, assertion #4002635 by mpra on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
see also: Gospel Herald   (source part: V.2 #52 (Mar 16 1848) p.260)
entity #700001, assertion #4002614 by mpra on 2017-05-28: confidence 100%.
see also: T&S 6:5, 843   
entity #850672, assertion #3773814 by bplewe on 2013-10-29: confidence 80%.
see also: T&S 6:10, 927   
entity #850650, assertion #3773727 by bplewe on 2013-10-29: confidence 80%.
see also: T&S 5:9, 526   
entity #850647, assertion #3773721 by bplewe on 2013-10-29: confidence 80%.
notes: Aka Moroni Branch   
assertion #3715304 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.