entity #850660, assertion #3773770 by bplewe on 2013-10-29: confidence 80%.
see also:History of the Church 6:214; Journal History of the Church 6/4/1843, 12/28/1843, 9/16/1845; Times and Seasons 6:16:1015, Branch Records (AR LR 4272 21)
assertion #3710369 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.
13 Feb 1844: Brigham Young has been preaching in the "Bear Creek Settlements"
entity #850143, assertion #4010226 by bplewe on 2022-02-28: confidence 100%.
notes:There is some uncertainty as to how distinct this was from Knowlton Settlement, which was also along Bear Creek. At times, they may have been considered the same, but in some sources they are clearly listed separately.
assertion #3716369 by bplewe on 2012-10-02: confidence 100%.