Glenwood Cemetery
cemetery #482164
created 2012-11-13 by bplewe
official name: Glenwood Cemetery
assertion #3731490 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 100%.
started: between and 1856
assertion #3731430 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 60%.
ended: open
assertion #3745430 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 60%.
religion: Mixed
assertion #3731550 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 60%.
located at: Mills County, Iowa, United States
assertion #3714164 by bplewe on 2012-11-13: confidence 100%.
location: 41°3'34"N, 95°44'54"W
assertion #3720204 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 80%.
belongs to: Coonville
entity #481295, assertion #3751276 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 60%.
in group: Winter Quarters Era
assertion #3731370 by bplewe on 2013-01-18: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.42
assertion #4022982 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.