
Haley's Creek Branch

congregation #482707
created 2016-07-05 by brucecrow
official name: Haley's Creek Branch?
assertion #3734445 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 0%.
is a(n): branch?
assertion #3734448 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 0%.
started: 21 Jun 1880
assertion #3734444 by brucecrow on 2017-07-03: confidence 100%.
ended: 1880
assertion #3748444 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 100%.
description: On June 21, 1880, Hyrum Belnap and George H Carver organized a branch of 19 members; 2 that had been baptized the previous month and 17 that were baptized that day. James H Scott and Sireneous Reed jointly presided over the branch. The entire group had previously been part of church organized by Robert Edge, who instructed them to wait for baptism from a servant of the Lord. After meeting with LDS missionaries the entire group were convinced that they were the ones they were told to follow. In the fall of 1880, the entire membership save one emigrated to San Jose, Colorado to join the saints living there.?
assertion #3734446 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 0%.
religion: LDS
assertion #3734447 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 100%.
location: 35°37'18"N, 88°17'32"W
assertion #3720726 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 0%.
located at: Henderson County, Tennessee, United States
assertion #3714707 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 100%.
membership/population: 19   (on: 21 Jun 1880)
assertion #4002836 by mpra on 2017-07-03: confidence 100%.
confidence in this page (0 to 1): 0.40
assertion #4023192 by bplewe on 2024-06-05: confidence 100%.
see also: Belnap, Hyrum. 1879-1881, Hyrum Belnap Papers: Autobiography, MS2905, Church History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
assertion #3711707 by brucecrow on 2016-07-05: confidence 100%.