
Howard Mormontown

artifact #700072
created 2017-07-18 by mpra
official name: Eldon Barrowes and Dylan Howard. Mormontown: The History of a Little Understood Settlement in Pike County, Illinois, 2011. Church History Library: MS 23667   
assertion #4003386 by mpra on 2017-07-18: confidence 100%.
description: A manuscript brochure describing the history of Mormontown/Pittsfield Branch/Redfield Neighborhood, Pike County, Illinois; produced as an eagle project of a local member.   
assertion #4003387 by mpra on 2017-07-18: confidence 100%.
describes: Pittsfield Branch   
entity #480205, assertion #4003383 by mpra on 2017-07-18: confidence 100%.
describes: Redfield Neighborhood   
entity #481365, assertion #4003388 by mpra on 2017-07-18: confidence 100%.